
Viewport Information — CSS Media Query Tools — Polyfills

viewstat is a frontend-only JavaScript library that provides various tools to interact with CSS media queries and the viewport. It's features include:

  • Polyfills for matchMedia and requestAnimationFrame.
  • Screen/Viewport information, such as reliable width, height and devicePixelRatio detection as well as screen parameters like refresh rate and color depth.
  • Media query tools to check support for individual rules, units and to determine the current values of media queries such as width and resolution.


  • Chome 10+ (tested)
  • Edge 12+
  • Firefox 3.5+ (tested)
  • Opera 10+
  • IE 9+ (tested)


Install the package using npm or yarn:

npm i viewstat@latest
yarn add viewstat@latest

To import from JavaScript:

// import the package as a bundle
import * as viewstat from "viewstat";

// import individual modules
import { screen } from "viewstat";


Types and UMD exports are also available.

Although not recommended, the library can also be loaded directly into a web page via a CDN link:

<script type="text/javascript" src="" defer></script>

Note that this library must be loaded after the body element.


Get the current screen's refresh rate:

import { screen } from "viewstat";

const refreshRate = await screen.getRefreshRate();

Test support for the dppx unit in resolution media queries:

import { media } from "viewstat";

const supportsResolutionWithDPPX = media.supportsRangedMediaUnit("resolution", "dppx");

Check compatibility of requestAnimationFrame

import { getCompatInfo } from "viewstat";

const { name, supported } = getCompatInfo("requestAnimationFrame");
// e.g.
// supported: true
// name: "webkitRequestAnimationFrame"


Documentation is available here. Alternatively, it can also be built from source.

Development & Contributing

Contributing to this project is strongly encouraged as I currently have little time to continue active development.


Development on this project requires Git and npm. Download the repository and install the dependencies:

git clone viewstat
cd viewstat
npm install

Development Server

Run a local development server. This will provide a local build in the dev directoy. HMR and live reload are supported by default.

npm run dev


Create a quick build without type declarations becuase TSC is egregiously slow. Run without the prefix to create a full build.

npm run build:notypes

Linting & Testing

Apply code formatting (ESLint rules are available here):

npm run lint:fix

Run tests in the browser (subject to improvement):

npm test

Testing in legacy browsers

Recommended strategy:

  1. Copy the UMD bundle from the build folder into the test.html file.
  2. Create a temporary domain for the webpage, using for example TiinyHost or GitHub Pages.
  3. Set up a virtual machine containing the legacy operating system and browser.
  4. Open the webpage in the virtual machine, check for error messages and unexpected behavior.

Create Docs

Build and serve documentation directly from source:

npm run docs:build
npm run docs:serve